The company logo, Ukhozi Tours, featuring an eagle flying left to right, wings outstretched, with the type Ukhozi Tours underneath it in two decks of capital letters. All of it is in a deep turquoise colour



Private Tours

Curated To

Your Interests,

Time & Pocket

South Africa.


Very small groups with an award-winning filmmaker & photographer

Take an Art Tour in Johannesburg

Visit Soweto, the epicentre of apartheid resistance

Seek and photograph the Big 5 on a Bush Safari

Meet world-famous Ndebele mural artists

Experience the majestic Mpumalanga Escarpment

Explore ancient pre-history on the Barberton Geological Trail

Travel the Gold Rush towns, or Boer War sites

Learn about SA's painful Apartheid past on a History Tour

From the dawn of human existence

to the dynamic life of one of Africa's

most vibrant cities and one of the world's

most iconic wildlife destinations,

our unique, customised private tours are

designed to give you a level of

comfort, enjoyment and surprise

that will delight you!

Ukhozi Tours takes ethics and human rights seriously.

We do not discriminate against anyone,

including the aged or people with disabilities.

All genders, races, cultures, creeds and religions are welcome.

We are represented on

Visit their site for reviews of us and feedback.

SATSA is the SA Tourism Services Association,

a professional organisation ensuring that

the service you get from us is top-notch.

We take the personal safety of our clients very seriously.

We are risk-averse.

We do our utmost to ensure you are safe

from any harm or danger.

And we NEVER sell your data or use it improperly.

Remember: If you want good accommodation in Kruger National Park, you need to book your tour with us at least two months in advance.

And do your VISA (if you need one) as soon as possible!

SATSA 2024 Statement on Tourism Safety can be found here.

SATSA 2024 Statement on the war in the Middle East can be found here.


+27 82 450 8003